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Hello, Saucy World!

Hello world!
I’m… well, this guy, you know?
Trying to solve more problems than I cause.
When I’m happy, I love technology. Sometimes I feel sad.

So, how did I come to write a blog?

Only a story can answer this, the apocryphal story about a mad professor. Crazy as a loon, the fellow was. At the sight of a book, any book—at the library, at a bookstore, anywhere—he would become totally obsessed with the idea that he could have written it, should have written it—and done a better job. He would thereupon rush home and proceed to do just that, write a book with the very same title. When he died some years later, he allegedly had several thousand books to his credit, probably even putting to shame the likes of Chinua Achebe.

The books might not have been any good, who knows, but does that really matter? Here’s a fellow who lived his dream, even if he was obsessed by it, driven by it … and somehow I can’t help admiring the old fellow.

The author claims no credentials or special qualifications, other than a compulsion to write. Infact, aside from this site, his only claim to fame is a First Place finish in the sack race at the Simbili Primary School sports day in April, 2005.